One Codex Python Library updated to 0.17.0
The onecodex python library and CLI has been updated with the following changes.
- Adds SampleCollection.beta_diversity_stats()to test for significant differences between groups of samples based on their beta diversity distances (global and posthoc pairwise PERMANOVA tests are supported)
- Adds categorical data palette to onecodexAltair theme
- Adds support for passing both facet_byandsecondary_haxistoplot_metadata()
- Adds filtering and warning if samples are missing abundances in plot_metadata(),plot_pcoa(),plot_mds(),plot_pca(),alpha_diversity_stats(), andbeta_diversity_stats()
- Adds docs about Shannon diversity being calculated using log base 2 instead of base e
- Upgrades Altair to 5.4.1 and replaces altair_saverwithvl-convert
- Upgrades notebookto 6.5.7
- Upgrades WeasyPrintto 63.0
- Removes nodeandveganpm dependencies
- Removes jupyter-clientdependency
- Removes seleniumdependency
- Removes pinned pydyfversion
- Fixes Api()call when Altair is not installed
- Fixes scikit-bio and pandas warnings
- Improves error message and docstring in SampleCollection.to_df(normalize=False)
- Deprecates AlphaDiversityStatsResults.posthoc_dfin favor ofAlphaDiversityStatsResults.posthoc.adjusted_pvalues
More details are available in GitHub.